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Olvassátok némi iróniával és sok humorral, jó szórakozást! :)

2011. július 28., csütörtök

Imaginary letter to someone special

So, hello... 
Long time no see, right? I could say, "hope you're doing fine" but I don't know for sure. I just can hope that you are. 
I know your last hours were a lot of pain and fight. I hope that shock is already gone. I'm OK. You don't need to worry about me. Take care of me and my life and the things I can have under control. You know, we can't control everything but, trying to do my best. Even trying to control things and people who don't necessarily want that, it's hard to learn not to live under control all the time and just let things happen. 
I always wanted to tell you, but never thad the chance, on that night, I was dreaming with you. I dreamt that you were standing in a boat in some kind of harbour and you waved to me, I stood on the coast and saw that your boat got untied and the boat started to sail away... I ran on the coast yelling after you: 
- Wait... I'm still here... 
And you just stood there, smiling and waiving to me as if you said you gotta go and I needed to stay. I was looking after the boat and you got further away and then you disappeared. 
Then I woke up in my bed and got THAT call. 
I'm looking at the sky now and trying to find you among the clouds. Hope you're up there somewhere happy and are proud of me. Miss you. I will always miss you. I'd give so much if I could meet you just one more time. Until then, take care. I will. I just wish I had the chance to talk to you and tell you my difficulties sometimes. But I know you know about all of them. Praying for you. Will you pray for me too.
God bless, until I meet you again some time. Later.
Your Daughter